Friday, November 19, 2010

Three's the charm

Sorry for my absence the last couple of days. On Wednesday I was crazy busy, and whilst I did look super cute in my completely thrifted outfit, I clean forgot to take photos. I'm hoping there are some photos of the big work event I went to with me in, so if I find some I'll post them. Otherwise I'll just re-use that outfit! Yesterday I was sick and so spent most of the day in pyjamas, I only got dressed to go to my Girl Scout meeting, and it was nothing worth taking a picture of! But now I am back and ready to rock. (Well, ready to administer a make up quiz and go to a seminar. Same thing, right?)

Today's nifty little number features:
Shirt: Converse via Goodwill
Vest (underneath, you can kind of see it): H&M via car boot sale
Jeans: White Stag via Goodwill
Shoes: Keds via Goodwill
Pink stripey socks: H&M
Beret: H&M

H&M, I miss you! See you in Bostonia for the holidays! Right, I'm away to the post office to send my family's advent gifts. My fear is that the postage will cost more than the gifts did... I suspect I am going to be sadly proved right about that.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Two Men Went to Mow

Day two of the Season of Goodwill! I'm enjoying it so far, although I sense that shoes are going to become a problem... I may bend the rules a little to allow myself shoes that aren't second hand. I'm going to have to at some points, because my running shoes aren't second hand (although my shorts and shirts mostly are) and most of the second hand shoes I have are my fancier high heels, and I can't wear those all the time for biking! So we'll see how long I last before I cave in and wear non-pre-owned shoes.
 Today's charming little number includes:
Dress: Old Navy via Goodwill
Shirt: Hanes via Goodwill
Tights: Target
Shoes: Walmart via Goodwill
and then I was wearing a white hoodie on and off for most of the rest of the day, which was thrifted Old Navy.
The lighting in these pictures is kind of weird but I didn't want to re-take them as there was some major neighbour drama going on today (involving one neighbour calling the cops on one of our other neighbours) and I didn't want to get in the way of all of it so I took my pictures and went back to work. Fun! Now I'm going to have a beer and start grading the quiz my students took tonight. Busy busy bees!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Season of Goodwill Day One

 Day one of the Season of Goodwill featured:
Skirt: Forever 21 via Goodwill
Cardigan: New Look via a car boot sale many moons ago
White shirt: Old Navy via Goodwill
Shoes: Charlotte Russe via Goodwill
Tights: Walmart
Necklace: birthday gift from my wonderful friend Darrel, bought from an art show we went to.
Day one was pretty easy. I hadn't worn this skirt or these shoes before but they both held up well throughout the day. The cardigan is one of my favorites, I wear it to death! I haven't worn the white shirt in a while as it's quite long, but it worked well tucked into this skirt. The necklace went really well with this get-up too; I almost never wear necklaces at work as we have to wear lanyards with our ID cards on but I felt like wearing it today. My friend Darrel went back and bought it as a birthday gift for me after I mentioned that I liked it at an art show we went to earlier this year, he's so thoughtful! Apparently each one is unique, which made me love it even more. I like to feel different!

I got told I looked hip by one of my friends at work today. I suppose that is a good thing? I'll take it as a win!


'Tis the Season of Goodwill

I know you must all have been on the edge of your seats since yesterday, waiting to hear about what my new style challenge/project is. I don't think there's any way that I could do 30 for 30, I'm just much too excited about wearing all my winter clothes at the minute. The clue to the project is in the post title - I thought it was appropriate with the holidays coming up! For the next fortnight (I wanted to do a month but that seems like such a long time!) I've committed to only wearing second-hand clothing. Hooray thrifting!

The Rules, should anyone else want to join in, are as follows:
- Clothing doesn't have to be from Goodwill (I would never hate on you, Salvation Army!) but it does have to be second hand. So stuff you got at thrift stores, garage sales, ebay, clothing swaps and hand-me-downs all count.
- I'm going to try and do top to toe, so second hand shoes as well. Tights and socks won't be second hand, because I don't have any pre-owned ones.
- Coats don't necessarily have to be thrifted, although I'm going to aim for that too. I'm only making this not a rule because my one really warm coat came from TkMaxx and I'm not prepared to freeze for this project!
- Accessories, anything goes.

I'll be posting my first day's outfit later on, when it's stopped raining long enough for me to take a photo. If you want to join in, please leave me a comment with a link so I can see how you style this challenge! I'm excited... and nervous!

Happy Monday, peeps : )


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lazy Sunday Afternoon

This is what happens when I'm grading in my fort in my pyjamas (yes, I built a fort in my living room this weekend, what of it?) and my friend calls and invites me to lunch in seven minutes. I somehow managed to get clean and dressed in that time, so I ended up just grabbing the clothes that were nearest to me after he called. I think it worked out okay! I also wore the trousers yesterday when we took my girl scout troop to the nature reserve to practice their photography and capture the fall colors (what little of them we have here, at least!). We had a lot of fun, and it was great weather for being outside with the girls. Fun times!

Today I'm wearing:
Shirt: Old Navy via Goodwill
Trousers: Banana Republic via Goodwill
Navy socks: Primark, years ago
Shoes: Gianni Bini via Goodwill
The rest of my day has consisted of napping and grading, but mainly grading. I just have the extra credit question to do and I'll be done! Then onto my own homework... ugh.

A lot of other style bloggers are participating in Kendi's 30 for 30 challenge, but I didn't think I could manage that. Not when I'm still so excited about bringing out all my warmer clothes for the first time this year. So I came up with a style challenge for myself. I'll be posting the details of it tomorrow, so stay tuned for that! I'm excited!

Speaking of other bloggers, how cute is Sydney's chic updo tutorial?! (and her whole blog in general, it's just adorable!). I wish my hair was a little longer so that I could try her tutorial out. Hmm, maybe I'll have to test a lower down version of it. Also, I don't think my bike helmet would fit over a bun that big and poofy, so it might have to be a weekend style for me.

I'm feeling the blogger love today! Right, I'm off to go and drink my honey tea and tackle grading this extra credit question. Dearest students, writing the words 'very fast' as an answer will not earn you 5 points for that question. Sigh.

I hope you've all had wonderful weekends!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Teresa Green

So this morning I was in a huge rush, and none of my photos came out very well. in fact there was only one that was half-way decent. I have realized that I look much neater when my hair is dry... and when I'm not brushing my teeth (yes, I was brushing my teeth in some of the photos, multi-tasking is a skill, leave me alone.)

Today I'm wearing:
Shirt: Old Navy via Goodwill
Dress: ana via Goodwill
Tights: Walmart
Shoes: Gianni Bini (no idea) via Goodwill
In truth, this combination looked better on the hanger than it did on me. Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

In the Navy

Eep! Today I have no less than four separate meetings (one down, three to go) plus an exam to invigilate! I wanted to be comfortable and temperature-appropriate, one of which I am not very good at. Seriously, I wore a jacket to work yesterday and I sweated SO MUCH biking home, it was ridiculous. And disgusting. Today is still pretty warm, but cool enough to make me want socks. Also, these socks are great enough that I always want to wear them. I might never look hip, but at least I am sort of color-coordinated. I'll call that a win.
 Today's jaunty ensemble includes:
Skull and cross-bones shirt: Self-esteem via Goodwill
Skirt: Walmart via Goodwill
Belt: Goodwill
Socks: Walmart
Shoes: Columbia via Ross
These shoes are ridiculously comfortable, which is how I justified wearing trainers (albeit trainers with a sweet diagonal strap) with a skirt and knee socks to myself. And in case you're wondering, no I don't know what happened in that second picture. I use a tripod and timer to take the photos and I didn't alter any of the settings... it's a mystery.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Feels like Fall

Today I was feeling autumnal. I thought I would dress like autumn, but I ended up looking like an upside down tree. Oh well. It looked better in my mind.

 Today I am wearing:
Dress: Ross
Vest (under dress): Forever 21 via Goodwill
Cardigan: Old Navy via Goodwill
Tights: New Look
Shoes: Goodwill
Sorry for the week-long hiatus. I went to Nashville to visit my friend Melissa with two of our other friends, and we had a wonderful time. I got back last night and have spent today getting caught up with meetings, emails, homeworks, research, and everything else. Yikes I'm busy! Sadly I don't have any pictures from Nashville as my camera is still broken. Boo monkeys!

I hope all of your weeks have started off well!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Elusive Jeans Sighting

I have a case of the mid-week busies! Homework, grading, coding, meetings, helping at our department bake sale and then celebrating EmmaLe's birthday tonight (Happy Birthday, E!)... I'll need a nap after all that! I didn't have much time to get dressed today, so it's not all that interesting, but what can you do? At least I am clean and dressed.
 Today I'm modeling:
Jeans: Apt 9 via Goodwill
Shirt: Old Navy via Goodwill
Socks: Forever 21
Shoes: Ross
Bizarre hairstyle and tea drinking: my own lack of time in the mornings!
I hardly ever wear jeans, because while they're practical, I just don't think they really suit me. However, I bought this pair recently and I do like them, so maybe they'll be making a more regular appearance. I realized today how many stripey long sleeved shirts I have... I think you'll be seeing that a lot. This one has a cool gold emblem type thing on it, I'm not sure if you can see it in the photos. My shoes are pretty cool too, I'll have to take a close up of them another day. Right, back to being a responsibility champion! Toodles!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010


My camera is still broken, so these babies are brought to you courtesy of my old camera, which has a broken screen. So I had no idea what any of these looked like until I put them onto the computer... which meant most of the shots I took were terrible. This was the only one that came out semi-decent. I decided that today I felt a bit jungle-y, so I brought out the leopard print. And what goes better with leopard print than more leopard print? Basically nothing, right?
Today's bizarreness features:
Cardigan: Select, Christmas gift from parents
Dress: H&M
Polo neck: H&M
Tights: Select, also Christmas gift from the familials (thanks!)
Shoes: H&M

Today's outfit is unusual in that none of it is thrifted. However, some of it is gifted, and I bought or received all the pieces while I lived in England... which is also quite unusual, given my Goodwill obsession.

Yes, my tights are pretty fantastic. I know. Thanks for them, Mum and Dad! You are super! On another entirely unrelated note, I hope everybody who was eligible to voted today! I didn't get to, because I'm not a US citizen, but I'll be watching the results with interest.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Boo monkeys :(

No outfit posts from me for a little while, as my camera fell off it's tripod when I was taking my picture on Thursday, and broke. I'm taking it to the camera shop this week, fingers crossed it's fixable!

I'm even more super sad that I didn't get a picture of what I wore yesterday, because it's a new dress and I got a lot of compliments on it. I'm hoping to root out my old camera in the meantime - so hopefully I'll be back before too long!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Denim: I was wrong about you

I swore I would never own any denim clothing that wasn't a pair of jeans. And then, on one of my frequent trips to Goodwill, I found this dress. It was beautiful. It had poppers down the front. It was my size. It called my name, and it cried when I said that denim wasn't my thing. So I brought it home. Now I think it might be one of my favorites.

 Today I'm wearing:
Dress: Walmart via Goodwill (I only just learnt that Faded Glory is a Walmart thing!)
Jacket: H&M
Tights: Target? I have a lot of cheap black tights, so who knows.
Shoes: Ross
 The badge I'm wearing is an ally badge from a training program that our school runs. I have been trained to support LGBT students on campus, and wearing the badge on my jacket or backpack lets students know when I am out and about that if they need someone to talk to about these issues, then I am safe person to approach. I thought everyone knew about the scheme, but several people asked me at work today what the badge was. Everyone seemed to think it was a cool idea, so hopefully more people will take the training and become allies too.
Here's a close up of my shoes, because: They. Are. Amazing. The have the months printed on them in a glorious rainbow of colors, and they are so comfortable. I think my girl scout troop will approve of them tonight.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Keep it Simple, Stupid

Today for me involves meetings, laundry, cleaning, ironing, grading, and more grading. Oh, and some coding, just to spice things up a little. I didn't get dressed until lunchtime today, and I was in a hurry so I threw on this skirt from the weekend and found the first top that wouldn't look weird with it. The result: boring but workable for my busy day.
 Boring Wednesday wear includes:
Shirt: Walmart via Goodwill
Skirt: Westbound via Goodwill
Tights: H&M, probably
Shoes: H&M
Hopefully tomorrow will be less blah. I guess some days I just don't have time to make an effort, and today was one of them. I won't shy away from taking pictures though, all my friends have seen me looking messy and in pyjamas and suchlike, so you guys get to as well. Right, back to tea and coding... ugh.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just Peachy

 Today's ensemble features:
Sweater: Gap
Skirt: Target via Goodwill
Shoes: H&M

Have you caught on to how much I like thrift store shopping yet?
Sorry about the terrible pose in the second photo. In all the other pictures I tried to take, I'm looking off at a bizarre angle, keeping an eye on my next door neighbor's dog, who was watching me intently through the fence.

I hardly own any peach/orange colored clothing, so it seemed like a sensible move to pair these two things together. I really like this sweater, although I can never tell if it suits me or not. If you have a darker complexion (like I do), then I always think that oranges and yellows and light browns are tricky colors to work with. Hopefully this sweater is the right kind of orange to work for me. Mmm, peachy!


Cold mornings, warm afternoons

It's that time of year.  You wake up freezing in the morning, feeling like there should be snow on the ground (at least that's how I feel, although I love snow).  The only thing you can think to put on is a nice, cozy sweater and scarf for your walk to work.  By the time afternoon rolls around, you're panting and sweating under your heavy layers as the sun has evilly warmed everything up.

To face this dilemma, I decided to dress like my upper and lower bodies were in different climates.

 Sweater:  Gap, many moons ago
Skirt:  Gap
Boots:  ALDO
Scarf:  Random find
I also had to take a self-portrait, which was accomplished with my camera balanced precariously in the only place I could find that worked:  The patio table.  Thus begins a period of pictures called "Awkwardly Posing with my Tree."

But the boots!  I've been waiting to break out these babies, and this was my first chance!

My cat Olive decided that he wanted to eat in the middle of the photo shoot, and it's almost impossible to deny him when he starts his continuous meowing.  Unfortunately, Olive wasn't too keen on posing for a fashion blog--there was food to be eaten!

Stay warm in the mornings and cool in the afternoons!


Monday, October 25, 2010

Double Dipping: Rainbow Pride and Pumpkin Pie

I'm double dipping on my post today. Today I went (again! On the right day this time!) to the Pride Rally on campus. I took my rainbow flag, and we marched to the council building and attended the Human Rights Campaign meeting. It was a lot of fun and I met some nice new people. Hey hey, ho ho, homophobia's got to go! Right on, friends!
 Here's what I wore to the rally:
Shirt: sneakily borrowed from my friend Alex while he's on holiday. Sorry, Alex! I'll wash it before you get home!
Skirt: Old Navy via Goodwill
Socks: too-small tights that I chopped up and rolled down. H&M originally?
Shoes: Forever 21
I realize that this shirt is, umm, a sight to behold, but I don't really care. It was the most rainbow-esque clothing I could find that would fit me.
Yesterday I took a couple of hours off work and went to the local pumpkin patch with some of my friends. We had a ton of fun getting lost in the corn (well, sorghum) maze and petting the animals in the petting zoo. I didn't take proper outfit photos, but my friend Angelyn snapped a shot of me in the maze that shows what I was wearing. So here, for your viewing pleasure, is a location shot! Sometimes I do leave my backyard, see!
The second photo shows my (perhaps inappropriate?) footwear. Somehow I managed to stay fairly clean and respectable looking... until I went down the slide, got covered in hay, did a backwards roll, and got grass in my hair. Up to that point, I was the very model of taste and professionalism. Or something like that. Sort of.

For our pumpkin-based adventure I wore:
Shirt: got it at a clothing swap I went to a while back. No labels.
Skirt: Target via Goodwill
Tights: H&M
Shoes: Reikers via Goodwill

I hope all of your weeks have started out well!


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Neutral Nancy

Rain, rain, go away... actually, you can stay for a while. I quite like being cuddled up cosily inside listening to the steady pitter-patter of rain on the windows. I didn't sleep very well last night, and it took me a really long time to decide what to wear today. In the end I went with a bunch of different neutral colors. I wasn't too thrilled about how this looked when I first put it on, but looking at the pictures, I actually really like this combination. I am so often wearing odd colors or bizarre pattern combinations that it's nice to keep it simple sometimes.
 Today I'm wearing:
Sweater: Gap via Goodwill
Vest: Forever 21 via Goodwill
Skirt: Westbound via Goodwill
Tights: Primark, a really long time ago (they are a weird brown/green/grey color so I don't wear them often)
Shoes: Reikers via Goodwill ($3! sooooo comfortable!)
Hair flower: probably Primark?
Forgive my odd pose in the last photo, I wanted to get a shot where you could see my GIGANTIC hair flower. Right, I need to start working on my to-do list so that I can go out to the pumpkin patch tomorrow. I have never been to one and I am pretty excited, although it will still be really wet out after all the rain we've had this week. But I'm not about to let a little water ruin my autumnal fun!

My parents are now readers of Try Not to Stare, so hi Mum and Dad! Miss you! I hope you like today's choice... I know I will hear if you don't! ; )


Friday, October 22, 2010

Lady Grey

What a grey and dreary day! (Ooh, my 'e' in grey just gave away the fact I am an English import!) It hasn't rained here in a long time, so I'd almost forgotten how to dress for the wet weather. Then I remembered that I have awesome polka-dot rain boots and everything was okay again. Whilst most of my clothing matched the sky (mainly shades of grey), my jacket jazzed things up nicely. Although I ended up having to switch out for a more waterproof jacket since it stopped raining and started pouring right before I left for lunch... my waterproof is bright blue though, so it still worked. Then I topped it off with a beret for two reasons: everyone appreciates a nice beret, and it covered up my frizzy hair.
 Today's grey ensemble features:
Sweater dress: Target via Goodwill
Cardigan: H&M
Tights: Forever 21
Rain boots: Target
Beret: H&M, replacing the one I left on a flight to DC :(
Coat: New Look via ebay, many moons ago.
The last picture showcases my 'pondering the rain' face. I'm pretty cool, I know. Oh, and I was right about how cool my socks looked yesterday, I received many compliments or varying sincerity about them. At least my Girl Scout troop appreciated them (and I know they wouldn't lie, as they frequently tell me when they don't approve of my outfits!) Right, back to listening to the Mystery Jets and grading... how did I get so rock and roll?


Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Mid-term Blues

My first mid-term exam of the semester was today, and I woke up early to finish studying for it. Somehow, I decided that blue striped knee high socks would help me in my quest for knowledge. Hey, I don't have to look professional on Thursdays... and my legs were cold this morning.
Today's jaunty ensemble features:
dress: H&M
shirt: BCG via Goodwill
socks: H&M
shoes: Walmart via Goodwill

It grieves me that we don't live anywhere near an H&M. It grieves me, but it pleases my wallet. Anyway, I'm going to go and try to cross off some of my to-do list before the big party starts in our department. There's free beer, which causes almost unheard-of levels of excitement among the grad students. Ciao, bellas!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Study Fuddy-Duddy

What I'm wearing today is nothing special, as I had a rough day yesterday and a day full of studying and meetings today. How I loathe mid-terms season! So much to remember and my poor little brain has been fried enough recently as it is. Oh well, I just need to suck it up and get back to the books. At least I'm not alone in my suffering, A. has the same exam tomorrow as I do.

 Today's attempt at dressing myself includes:
Denim legging jeans things: White Stag via Goodwill
Green long sleeved shirt: Old Navy via Goodwill
Black short sleeved shirt: Target via Goodwill
Shoes: Walmart via Goodwill
Yeah Goodwill!
I am self-aware enough to realize that these jean legging things are not at all flattering on me, but today I just needed to get stuff done and be comfortable, and they fit the bill. I generally avoid any item of clothing that can be described as 'skinny' or 'slim-fitting' since I am neither skinny nor slim. At least they came from Goodwill, so I didn't have to pay very much to get my ill-advised skinny jean fix.
Right, me and my good friend and study buddy Joey Goose (he's an awesome large red and green paisley stuffed goose who looks like my friend Joey, hence the name) are going to hit the books again. So many equations. So little time. Oh, similarity theory, you're so cray-cray!


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Living Loud and Proud

Yesterday I had several meetings at work, and then after work I dashed off to a local Gay Pride rally. Only, unfortunately, I was the only one there. It turns out I got excited and misread the email - the rally is next week. Oh well, at least I have time to make signs before it now. Since I mistakenly thought I was going to the rally, I wanted to wear something bright, so that I would stand out (and to make it easier for my friends to find me when they got there... sorry guys!) and I don't own anything rainbow colored so I thought these shorts were the next best thing. I ended the night having dinner with a friend and then working on my midterms (yes, plural, it's so sad) in a coffee shop. Believe it or not, I added a hoodie to this ensemble for the somewhat chillier evening, in exactly the same shade as the shorts. I purchased them in two different stores, in two very different cities, and this isn't a shade you see that much of! I looked remarkably and disarmingly similar to a frozen cherry terrine I made for a jello party we had recently.

 I was wearing:
The hottest pink shorts there ever were: Rue 21
Tank: Old Navy via Goodwill
Belt: Goodwill
Shoes: Ross
Whilst this outfit may not be extremely flattering (would these shorts flatter anybody? Perhaps not.) I can't help but like it. Sometimes it's more important to make a statement and not blend in, even if it does make your hips look wider. I haven't decided yet whether I'll be recreating the cherry delight for the rally next week, but dressing like a fruit was definitely a lot of fun... it left me feeling fruity, anyway!

-- C.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I guess that's why they call it the blues

Bleurgh, I'm sick today. Not as sick as I was yesterday, but sick nonetheless. My throat feels like I swallowed a razor blade, which is displeasingly reminiscent of the last time I caught strep (on Christmas Eve, if you can believe it! So unlucky!) so I'm hoping that's not the case this time. I made it into school for class, but then came home again immediately after. I'm busily drinking vats of green tea and orange juice and crossing my fingers that I'll be better in time for camping tomorrow. Anyway, for me, being sick means covering up, hence the scarf and long skirt. I even broke out my mittens last night at the candlelight vigil for LGBT acceptance I went to. I love my mittens! I added the cardigan today because no matter how unseasonably warm it may still be outside, it is always freezing in the classrooms in our department. I don't know how they do it!

 Today I'm wearing:
Cardigan: New Look
Shirt: Derek Heart via Goodwill
Skirt: Talbots via Goodwill
Scarf: Accesorize, a gift from my friend Suzanne
Shoes: Walmart via Goodwill
Okay, okay... I admit it, I kind of have a Goodwill obsession. What are you gonna do about it though, really?
I rarely wear this skirt as it's a little long for biking in and I tend to get oil on it, but since I drove to work today it didn't matter. It's also only the second ever outing for this cardigan, as I just don't find the longer length very flattering on me, although the pockets in it are really useful. If I button it up, I just look a bizarre shape. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can wear it and not look lumpy?
Okay, back to work. Sadly, my midterm is not going to write itself, nor are my students' labs going to grade themselves. If only! I'm excited for everybody to come back from the conference that A. is away at. It's been far too quiet at work this week!


The Beginning, Pt. 2

My blogging partner and I have rarely been in the same location since deciding to blog in the first place, so unfortunately our first posts will have little to do with one another!  At least we can see what the other is up to.  Clothes--bridging the distance!

I recently flew out for a conference, and my boyfriend kindly snapped a picture of my travel attire before I left.
Shirt:  Gap
Pants:  Gap
Shoes:  BC (breaking the Gap trend!)
Scarf:  Dillard's
Bracelet:  Fossil

When I think "flying," I think scarf.  There's something jaunty about soaring high above the earth with a scarf flapping behind, even if it does make going through security that much more difficult.

I'm back from the conference, so perhaps we'll be able to do a dual post at some point in the near future!  Get ready, world, for the dynamic combination of fashion and science!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Let's start at the very beginning

Since we decided to start a style blog, I guess not much is going to happen unless we actually post. I found my tripod today, which enabled me to finally attempt to take some pictures where my camera isn't balanced on the edge of the desk at waist height. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that I'm not actually very good at using said tripod. Hopefully that will improve, or I'll have to start a 'missing body parts' feature. Today's unfortunately missing body part: the top of my head.

I woke up really early today and got excited about how nice the weather was. I wanted to wear something that would work well for biking to work and for teaching lab tonight. I asked myself why I should settle for wearing one color, when I could wear many colors to reflect my happy disposition today, which was how this dress came about. Please forgive how disheveled I am in these pictures, I had just finished biking home from work. See the photo above for evidence!

 Today I'm wearing:
shirt: H&M kids
dress: vintage, from Goodwill
tights: Walmart kids
shoes: H&M
So welcome to our humble attempt at a style blog, and welcome to my backyard (it needs a lot of work!). I hope you'll enjoy our adventures in trying to stay stylish as two female science grad students in a small town.

-- C.