Monday, October 25, 2010

Double Dipping: Rainbow Pride and Pumpkin Pie

I'm double dipping on my post today. Today I went (again! On the right day this time!) to the Pride Rally on campus. I took my rainbow flag, and we marched to the council building and attended the Human Rights Campaign meeting. It was a lot of fun and I met some nice new people. Hey hey, ho ho, homophobia's got to go! Right on, friends!
 Here's what I wore to the rally:
Shirt: sneakily borrowed from my friend Alex while he's on holiday. Sorry, Alex! I'll wash it before you get home!
Skirt: Old Navy via Goodwill
Socks: too-small tights that I chopped up and rolled down. H&M originally?
Shoes: Forever 21
I realize that this shirt is, umm, a sight to behold, but I don't really care. It was the most rainbow-esque clothing I could find that would fit me.
Yesterday I took a couple of hours off work and went to the local pumpkin patch with some of my friends. We had a ton of fun getting lost in the corn (well, sorghum) maze and petting the animals in the petting zoo. I didn't take proper outfit photos, but my friend Angelyn snapped a shot of me in the maze that shows what I was wearing. So here, for your viewing pleasure, is a location shot! Sometimes I do leave my backyard, see!
The second photo shows my (perhaps inappropriate?) footwear. Somehow I managed to stay fairly clean and respectable looking... until I went down the slide, got covered in hay, did a backwards roll, and got grass in my hair. Up to that point, I was the very model of taste and professionalism. Or something like that. Sort of.

For our pumpkin-based adventure I wore:
Shirt: got it at a clothing swap I went to a while back. No labels.
Skirt: Target via Goodwill
Tights: H&M
Shoes: Reikers via Goodwill

I hope all of your weeks have started out well!


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