Thursday, October 28, 2010

Denim: I was wrong about you

I swore I would never own any denim clothing that wasn't a pair of jeans. And then, on one of my frequent trips to Goodwill, I found this dress. It was beautiful. It had poppers down the front. It was my size. It called my name, and it cried when I said that denim wasn't my thing. So I brought it home. Now I think it might be one of my favorites.

 Today I'm wearing:
Dress: Walmart via Goodwill (I only just learnt that Faded Glory is a Walmart thing!)
Jacket: H&M
Tights: Target? I have a lot of cheap black tights, so who knows.
Shoes: Ross
 The badge I'm wearing is an ally badge from a training program that our school runs. I have been trained to support LGBT students on campus, and wearing the badge on my jacket or backpack lets students know when I am out and about that if they need someone to talk to about these issues, then I am safe person to approach. I thought everyone knew about the scheme, but several people asked me at work today what the badge was. Everyone seemed to think it was a cool idea, so hopefully more people will take the training and become allies too.
Here's a close up of my shoes, because: They. Are. Amazing. The have the months printed on them in a glorious rainbow of colors, and they are so comfortable. I think my girl scout troop will approve of them tonight.


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