Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Beginning, Pt. 2

My blogging partner and I have rarely been in the same location since deciding to blog in the first place, so unfortunately our first posts will have little to do with one another!  At least we can see what the other is up to.  Clothes--bridging the distance!

I recently flew out for a conference, and my boyfriend kindly snapped a picture of my travel attire before I left.
Shirt:  Gap
Pants:  Gap
Shoes:  BC (breaking the Gap trend!)
Scarf:  Dillard's
Bracelet:  Fossil

When I think "flying," I think scarf.  There's something jaunty about soaring high above the earth with a scarf flapping behind, even if it does make going through security that much more difficult.

I'm back from the conference, so perhaps we'll be able to do a dual post at some point in the near future!  Get ready, world, for the dynamic combination of fashion and science!


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