Friday, October 22, 2010

Lady Grey

What a grey and dreary day! (Ooh, my 'e' in grey just gave away the fact I am an English import!) It hasn't rained here in a long time, so I'd almost forgotten how to dress for the wet weather. Then I remembered that I have awesome polka-dot rain boots and everything was okay again. Whilst most of my clothing matched the sky (mainly shades of grey), my jacket jazzed things up nicely. Although I ended up having to switch out for a more waterproof jacket since it stopped raining and started pouring right before I left for lunch... my waterproof is bright blue though, so it still worked. Then I topped it off with a beret for two reasons: everyone appreciates a nice beret, and it covered up my frizzy hair.
 Today's grey ensemble features:
Sweater dress: Target via Goodwill
Cardigan: H&M
Tights: Forever 21
Rain boots: Target
Beret: H&M, replacing the one I left on a flight to DC :(
Coat: New Look via ebay, many moons ago.
The last picture showcases my 'pondering the rain' face. I'm pretty cool, I know. Oh, and I was right about how cool my socks looked yesterday, I received many compliments or varying sincerity about them. At least my Girl Scout troop appreciated them (and I know they wouldn't lie, as they frequently tell me when they don't approve of my outfits!) Right, back to listening to the Mystery Jets and grading... how did I get so rock and roll?


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