Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Let's start at the very beginning

Since we decided to start a style blog, I guess not much is going to happen unless we actually post. I found my tripod today, which enabled me to finally attempt to take some pictures where my camera isn't balanced on the edge of the desk at waist height. Unfortunately, I had forgotten that I'm not actually very good at using said tripod. Hopefully that will improve, or I'll have to start a 'missing body parts' feature. Today's unfortunately missing body part: the top of my head.

I woke up really early today and got excited about how nice the weather was. I wanted to wear something that would work well for biking to work and for teaching lab tonight. I asked myself why I should settle for wearing one color, when I could wear many colors to reflect my happy disposition today, which was how this dress came about. Please forgive how disheveled I am in these pictures, I had just finished biking home from work. See the photo above for evidence!

 Today I'm wearing:
shirt: H&M kids
dress: vintage, from Goodwill
tights: Walmart kids
shoes: H&M
So welcome to our humble attempt at a style blog, and welcome to my backyard (it needs a lot of work!). I hope you'll enjoy our adventures in trying to stay stylish as two female science grad students in a small town.

-- C.

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