Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Keep it Simple, Stupid

Today for me involves meetings, laundry, cleaning, ironing, grading, and more grading. Oh, and some coding, just to spice things up a little. I didn't get dressed until lunchtime today, and I was in a hurry so I threw on this skirt from the weekend and found the first top that wouldn't look weird with it. The result: boring but workable for my busy day.
 Boring Wednesday wear includes:
Shirt: Walmart via Goodwill
Skirt: Westbound via Goodwill
Tights: H&M, probably
Shoes: H&M
Hopefully tomorrow will be less blah. I guess some days I just don't have time to make an effort, and today was one of them. I won't shy away from taking pictures though, all my friends have seen me looking messy and in pyjamas and suchlike, so you guys get to as well. Right, back to tea and coding... ugh.


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