Saturday, October 23, 2010

Neutral Nancy

Rain, rain, go away... actually, you can stay for a while. I quite like being cuddled up cosily inside listening to the steady pitter-patter of rain on the windows. I didn't sleep very well last night, and it took me a really long time to decide what to wear today. In the end I went with a bunch of different neutral colors. I wasn't too thrilled about how this looked when I first put it on, but looking at the pictures, I actually really like this combination. I am so often wearing odd colors or bizarre pattern combinations that it's nice to keep it simple sometimes.
 Today I'm wearing:
Sweater: Gap via Goodwill
Vest: Forever 21 via Goodwill
Skirt: Westbound via Goodwill
Tights: Primark, a really long time ago (they are a weird brown/green/grey color so I don't wear them often)
Shoes: Reikers via Goodwill ($3! sooooo comfortable!)
Hair flower: probably Primark?
Forgive my odd pose in the last photo, I wanted to get a shot where you could see my GIGANTIC hair flower. Right, I need to start working on my to-do list so that I can go out to the pumpkin patch tomorrow. I have never been to one and I am pretty excited, although it will still be really wet out after all the rain we've had this week. But I'm not about to let a little water ruin my autumnal fun!

My parents are now readers of Try Not to Stare, so hi Mum and Dad! Miss you! I hope you like today's choice... I know I will hear if you don't! ; )


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