Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Elusive Jeans Sighting

I have a case of the mid-week busies! Homework, grading, coding, meetings, helping at our department bake sale and then celebrating EmmaLe's birthday tonight (Happy Birthday, E!)... I'll need a nap after all that! I didn't have much time to get dressed today, so it's not all that interesting, but what can you do? At least I am clean and dressed.
 Today I'm modeling:
Jeans: Apt 9 via Goodwill
Shirt: Old Navy via Goodwill
Socks: Forever 21
Shoes: Ross
Bizarre hairstyle and tea drinking: my own lack of time in the mornings!
I hardly ever wear jeans, because while they're practical, I just don't think they really suit me. However, I bought this pair recently and I do like them, so maybe they'll be making a more regular appearance. I realized today how many stripey long sleeved shirts I have... I think you'll be seeing that a lot. This one has a cool gold emblem type thing on it, I'm not sure if you can see it in the photos. My shoes are pretty cool too, I'll have to take a close up of them another day. Right, back to being a responsibility champion! Toodles!


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