Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Feels like Fall

Today I was feeling autumnal. I thought I would dress like autumn, but I ended up looking like an upside down tree. Oh well. It looked better in my mind.

 Today I am wearing:
Dress: Ross
Vest (under dress): Forever 21 via Goodwill
Cardigan: Old Navy via Goodwill
Tights: New Look
Shoes: Goodwill
Sorry for the week-long hiatus. I went to Nashville to visit my friend Melissa with two of our other friends, and we had a wonderful time. I got back last night and have spent today getting caught up with meetings, emails, homeworks, research, and everything else. Yikes I'm busy! Sadly I don't have any pictures from Nashville as my camera is still broken. Boo monkeys!

I hope all of your weeks have started off well!

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