Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Two Men Went to Mow

Day two of the Season of Goodwill! I'm enjoying it so far, although I sense that shoes are going to become a problem... I may bend the rules a little to allow myself shoes that aren't second hand. I'm going to have to at some points, because my running shoes aren't second hand (although my shorts and shirts mostly are) and most of the second hand shoes I have are my fancier high heels, and I can't wear those all the time for biking! So we'll see how long I last before I cave in and wear non-pre-owned shoes.
 Today's charming little number includes:
Dress: Old Navy via Goodwill
Shirt: Hanes via Goodwill
Tights: Target
Shoes: Walmart via Goodwill
and then I was wearing a white hoodie on and off for most of the rest of the day, which was thrifted Old Navy.
The lighting in these pictures is kind of weird but I didn't want to re-take them as there was some major neighbour drama going on today (involving one neighbour calling the cops on one of our other neighbours) and I didn't want to get in the way of all of it so I took my pictures and went back to work. Fun! Now I'm going to have a beer and start grading the quiz my students took tonight. Busy busy bees!

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