Wednesday, November 10, 2010

In the Navy

Eep! Today I have no less than four separate meetings (one down, three to go) plus an exam to invigilate! I wanted to be comfortable and temperature-appropriate, one of which I am not very good at. Seriously, I wore a jacket to work yesterday and I sweated SO MUCH biking home, it was ridiculous. And disgusting. Today is still pretty warm, but cool enough to make me want socks. Also, these socks are great enough that I always want to wear them. I might never look hip, but at least I am sort of color-coordinated. I'll call that a win.
 Today's jaunty ensemble includes:
Skull and cross-bones shirt: Self-esteem via Goodwill
Skirt: Walmart via Goodwill
Belt: Goodwill
Socks: Walmart
Shoes: Columbia via Ross
These shoes are ridiculously comfortable, which is how I justified wearing trainers (albeit trainers with a sweet diagonal strap) with a skirt and knee socks to myself. And in case you're wondering, no I don't know what happened in that second picture. I use a tripod and timer to take the photos and I didn't alter any of the settings... it's a mystery.

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